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Donec non cursus sapien, vel aliquet dui cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus muslorem. Donec non cursus sapien, vel aliquet dui cum sociis natoque penatibus magnis dis parturient montes nascetur ridiculus muslorem.



sweet delight

The coffee is brewed by first roasting the green coffee beans over hot coals in a brazier. Once the beans are roasted each participant is given an opportunity to sample the aromatic smoke by wafting it towards them. This is followed by the grinding.

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Our interesting facts

A coffee ceremony is a ritualised form of making and drinking coffee. The coffee ceremony is one of the most recognizable parts of Ethiopian culture and Eritrean culture. Coffee is offered when visiting friends, during festivities, or as a daily staple of life.

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